Tina Afshar: Lung health benefits of e-cigarette cessation (VAPE) (supervisor Dr. C. Carlsten)
Rachelle Aucoin: Move with air: can a fan maximize the benefits of a supervised exercise-training program in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? (supervisor Dr. D. Jensen)
Marrissa McIntosh: Determining novel small airways disease phenotypes using 129Xe MRI, CT and oscillometry (supervisor Dr. G. Parraga)
Dheerendra Pandey: Multidimensional role of CD38 in asthma pathophysiology (supervisor Dr. A. Halayko)
Debora Petry-Moecke: Optimizing chronic respiratory disease virtual care in First Nations communities (supervisor Dr. P. Camp)
Shirley Quach: Creating a Resource of Apps that Addresses Patients’ Support Needs in Coping with COPD (supervisor Dr. D. Brooks)
Tina Afshar: Lung health benefits of e-cigarette cessation (VAPE) (supervisor Dr. C. Carlsten)
Sophie Collins: Understanding the impact of pulmonary vascular dysfunction on exercise tolerance and dyspnea across the continuum of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (supervisor Dr. M. Stickland)
Ramandeep Kaur: The role of hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids in modulating human airway smooth muscle cells physiology (supervisor Dr. C. Pascoe)
Tae Yoon Lee: Projecting the outcomes of early interventions for asthma: data-driven and modeling studies (supervisor Dr. M. Sadatsafavi)
Jigneshkumar Vaghasiya: Oxidized phosphatidylcholines are unique drivers of asthma pathobiology (supervisor Dr. A. Halayko)
Sukhraj Virdee: Developing novel geostatistical computed tomography imaging biomarkers to quantify emphysema in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (supervisor Dr. M. Kirby)
Wenjia Chen: Excess medical cost in patients with asthma and the role of comorbidity (Supervisor: Dr. Mohsen Sadatsafavi)
Jinelle Gelinas: The Effect of Low Shear Stress on Circulating Endothelial Microparticles, Oxidative Stress and Flow Mediated Dilation in Patients with COPD (Supervisor: Dr. Neil Eves)
Thomas Mahood: The Role of Protein Prenylation in Asthma (Supervisor: Dr. Andrew Halayko)
Nafeez Syed: The effects of diesel exhaust on pulmonary physiology in mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and ‘at risk’ smokers (Supervisor: Dr. Jordan Guenette)
Jean-Christophe Bérubé: Genetics of gene expression in the lung to elucidate asthma susceptibility (supervisor: Dr. Yohan Bossé)
Michael O'Sullivan: The Role of Epithelial Derived Factors in Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype Modulation (supervisor: Dr. James Martin)
Min Hyung Ryu: Biomarkers of diesel exhaust toxicity in the COPD Originates in Polluted Air (COPA) Study (supervisor: Dr. Christopher Carlsten)
Aruni Jha: Effects of statins and Rho Kinase inhibitors on airway inflammation, responsiveness and remodeling in a murine model of allergic asthma (supervisor: Dr. Halayko).
Sarah Svenningsen: Imaging Biomarkers of Airways Disease in Severe Asthma (supervisor: Dr. Parraga).
Dr. Joseph Amegadzie: The projected economic and health burden of COPD in Canada (supervisor Dr. M. Sadatsafavi)
Dr. Rachel Eddy: A Data Science Approach to Identify Novel COPD Phenotypes Using Pulmonary Imaging (supervisor Dr. D. Sin)
**Recipient of the inaugural Dr. J. Mark Fitzgerald fellowship award for research in obstructive lung disease.
Dr. Razieh Enjilela: Development of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Airway Segmentation to Assess and Monitor Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease (supervisor Dr. M. Kirby)
Dr. Renata Mancopes: Dysphagia and Abnormal Respiratory-Swallow Coordination in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (supervisor Dr. C. Steele)
Dr. Anastasia Newman: Balance and Falls in COPD (supervisor Dr. D. Brooks)
Dr. Wallace Wee: Utilizing hyperpolarized 129Xe magnetic resonance imaging in children with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD MRI) during a pulmonary exacerbation (supervisor Dr. S. Dell)
Dr. Alina Blazer: Quantifying the burden of and assessing risk factors for non-smoking-related chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Ontario (supervisor Dr. A Gershon)
Dr. Yuanyao Chen: IgA phenotype in asthma: link to the infant gut microbiome (supervisor Dr. A. Kozyrskyj)
Dr. Mayron Oliveira: The combined effect of cannabis and tobacco smoking on cardiopulmonary exercise test outcomes in a population-based sample of Canadian adults aged 40 years and older (supervisor Dr. D Jensen)
Dr. Wallace Wee: Utilizing hyperpolarized 129Xe magnetic resonance imaging in children with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD MRI) (supervisor Dr. S. Dell)
Dr. Christopher Pascoe: Understanding the role of oxidized lipids in the pathogenesis of asthma: a multi-scale approach (Supervisor: Dr. Andrew Halayko)
Dr. Sarah Svenningsen: Imaging the brain-lung connections that determine symptom expression in severe asthma (Supervisor: Dr. Parameswaran Nair & Co-supervisor: Dr. Grace Parraga)
Dr. Tetyana Kendzerska: Modifiable effect of co-existence of obstructive airway diseases (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, and obstructive sleep apnea): evidence from clinical and health administrative data (supervisor: Dr. Andrea Gershon)
Dr. Gilles Vanderstocken: Validation of new drug candidates to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease identified by connectivity map analyses of mouse and human lung gene expression (supervisor: Dr. Martin Stampfli)
Dr. Kristian Larsen: Predicting the relationship between air pollution and climatic conditions on future rates of asthma and COPD in Ontario (supervisor: Dr. To)
Dr. Marla Beauchamp: Improving outcomes in the identification and management of fall risk in people with COPD.
Dr. Andrea Gershon: Improving the health of people with obstructive lung disease.
Dr. Azadeh Yadollahi: Investigating the role of fluid shift on the pathophysiology of asthma.
Dr. Meghan Azad: Developmental origins of asthma: role of breastfeeding, milk composition, and maternal factors.
Dr. Jordan Guenette: Mechanisms of dyspnea and exercise intolerance in patients with chronic respiratory diseases.
Dr. Michelle Kho: CYCLE - Critical care cycling to improve lower extremity strength in mechanically ventilated patients.
Dr. Mohsen Sadatsafavi: Respiratory evaluation sciences program: enabling evidence - informed decision making in respiratory medicine.